Among Indian critics, Sukanya Verma of Rediff praised the lead performances and rated the movie 3.5/5 saying, "It's Sonam and Imran's collective persona and their free-flowing chemistry that makes all the difference. Although the pair deserve better than an amateurishly written romance to scoop out their terrific potential as a combination".[8] Gaurav Malani of IndiaTimes rated the movie 3/5 and said, "If you hate love stories this one's certainly not for you. Which means this ends up being another love story and that too a dull one!"[9] Nikhat Kazmi of Times of India also praised the lead performances, but found the plot predictable and rated the movie 3/5 saying, "Thematically, I Hate Luv Storys is extremely simplistic, uni-layered and terribly predictable."[10]
I Hate Luv Storys 2 full movie hd download in hindi
The first thing that attracts you to I HATE LUV STORYS is its title. Let's face it, we adore love stories... at least I do. We idolise the characters decades after the movies have come and gone. The songs that come on our lips instantly while playing a game of antakshri are romantic songs as well. In fact, the biggest moneyspinners, let's face it, have been love stories, right? So how can we 'hate' a love story?
The movie follows the story of Jay and Simran. Simran is a firm believer in romance. She loves the cliché roses, the red hearts, the love letters and everything pink. Jay, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of Simran. He does not believe in love and also detests the sight of anything romantic, red hearts and lovey-dovey gestures. He escapes love and romance in search of anything casual throughout the story, When Simran falls for Jay, things go haywire as he cannot reciprocate with the same emotions. He hesitates in love. I hate Luv Storys was loved by many young movie-goers,10 as per reports.
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