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Patton stopped at a rear command post to submit his report before heading to a hospital. Sereno E. Brett, commander of the U.S. 326th Tank Battalion, took command of the brigade in Patton's absence. Patton wrote in a letter to his wife: "The bullet went into the front of my left leg and came out just at the crack of my bottom about two inches to the left of my rectum. It was fired at about 50 m [160 ft] so made a hole about the size of a [silver] dollar where it came out."[82]
Trapped in a tight cordon, the enemy lost 2,063 killed. The free World Allies captured 2,071 NVA and Viet Cong troops - an unusually large number in Vietnam fighting. The 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry was awarded the Presidential UnitCitation for valor and aggressive pursuit of the enemy on 02 October, afterreinforcing a "Blue Team" platoon from "A" Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalrythat was heavily engaged and outnumbered.
On 09 December the Division launched Operation ROVER to evacuate all civiliansfrom the Kim Son Valley. By 14 December, the valley was clear and allcivilians had been evacuated from the area, bringing Operation ROVER to aclose with the valley being declared a "free-fire" zone. Now the heavy work ofthe troopers had just began as they moved in to drive the elusive enemy fromthe area.
In early April planning began for Operation LEJEUNE. The principal reasonbehind this operation was an urgent Marine requirement to free up some oftheir troops in Quang Ngai for further movement north. Operation LEJEUNEcombined the efforts of four military services: The US Army, Marine Corps, AirForce, and the Navy. The tactical air force support was substantial. The DucPho area had been effectively controlled by the communists for more than tenyears. Over the years the Viet Cong and its political arm of the South VietnamCommunists, the National Liberation Front (NLF), had increased their power bypolitical indoctrination, torture, and terrorism until now had awell-developed infrastructure from the sea coast as far inland as Ba To.
Tet Offensive Theater On 31 January, amid the celebration of the Vietnamese New Year of the"Monkey", the enemy launched the Tet Offensive, a major effort to overrunSouth Vietnam. Some 7,000 well equipped, crack NVA regulars blasted their wayinto the Imperial City of Hue, overpowering all but a few pockets ofresistance held by ARVN troops and the US Marines. Within twenty-four hours,the invaders were joined by an equal number of NVA reinforcements. Almostsimultaneously, to the North of Hue, five battalions of North Vietnamese andViet Cong attacked Quang Tri City, the capital of Vietnam's northern province.The 1st Cavalry Division went on the move with four companies of skytroopersfrom the 1st Battalions of the 5th and 12th Cavalry who arrived at the villageof Thon An Thai, just east of Quang Tri. Under heavy aerial rocket attack, theenemy quickly broke off the Quang Tri attack, dispersed into small groups andattempted to escape. Quang Tri was liberated within the next ten days.
Following fierce fighting at Thon La Chu or "The Battle of Tee Tee Woods", the3rd Brigade had been given the difficult mission of driving the Communistsfrom Hue and the surrounding areas. The battle for Thon La Chu was far frombeing finished. They traded fire for two days and nights, then the skytrooperseluded the enemy with a risky night march. At sunrise of 05 February, theBrigade was positioned on a hill overlooking the North Vietnamese. By 11February the enemy was blocked both on the north and south, but remained toostrong and well entrenched for a frontal attack. On 21 - 22 February, theBrigade freed Thon La Chu and moved toward Hue where much of the fightingwould be house-to-house. That they fought again for many more days is atribute to inspired leadership and the fighting spirit of the young men. Afterthe 1st Battalion,7th Cavalry overcame severe resistance, the southwest wallof the city was soon taken and they linked up with the 5th Battalion, 7thCavalry.
A Shau Valley had been the jumping-off point for the Tet offensive againstHue. No free world forces had penetrated A Shau Valley since a Special ForcesCamp pulled out of the area in 1966 and the NVA began to think of it as aninviolable sanctuary. Operation DELAWARE/LAM SON 216 was a coordinatedairmobile and ground attack using elements of three divisions - the 1stCavalry, the 101st Airborne, and the 1st Army of the Republic of VietnamDivision. One prong was to be the attack along and astride Routes 547 and547A, while the main attack was the assault into A Loui and Ta Bat on thevalley floor.
Our February issue spotlights two important issues: statewide rule changes abolishing suspensions and expulsions for preschool students in schools and day care and youth mental health. It also includes three pages of family-friendly events (including free ones!) and ways to make your little one's Valentine's Day special.
Tet 1969, when it came, was only a pale shadow of the violence of Tet 1968.3 The 24-hour Tet truce began at 1800 on 16 February. There were the usual Tet season terrorist acts, rocket and mortar attacks, and scattered ground action. The enemy's major effort in ICTZ came on 23 February when he attempted, once again, a full-scale coordinated attack against Da Nang, a nut he had never been able to crack. His attack plan contained few surprises: as it had been during Tet 1968 and again in August 1968, the city was infiltrated, an attack was made up from the south through the heavily populated lowlands, and a thrust with major units came out of the mountains west of Da Nang.4
Hitler realised that he would have to support the Italians and on 11 February 1941 Major-General Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps landed at Tripoli. The British won some spectacular victories over the Italians, but found the Germans a much tougher nut to crack.
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